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are these racks available i am trying to match them with an existing server line up. if available what is the cost?
Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately this unit is no longer available for purchase. The HP 10000 G2 series has been replaced by the 11000 G2 Series.
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I work for U of A and we have this server rack the front door handle broke I'm trying to find a replacement for it
Thank you for your inquiry,

Unfortunately the handle for the HP AF001A has been discontinued without a direct replacement.

If you would like to upgrade your rack, please feel free to contact your Server Racks Online sales reprasentative directly at 1-866-722-5776, at, or via our online Chat functionality.
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I am needing pricing for a Boeing quote that is calling out the AF001A & AF076A HP 10K G2 600W Rack tie down k . Qty's 1 & 2 ea. What is the 11000 G2 series equivalent, and how do I go about getting pricing? Please advise asap. My quote is due to Boeing 8/21. I have called and spoke with someone but they have not gotten back with me. PLEASE ADVISE,
Thank you for your inquiry. A sales representative will contact you today at the email address provided.
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Do you sell non standard lock assembly for the HP 10642? trying to re key several racks (not key 13112)
Thank you for your inquiry. We do not sell a specific HP lock assembly, but there may be some aftermarket options that could work, depending on measurements.

Please contact you Server Racks Online representative at 1-866-722-5776 or via our online chat feature to discuss your project in greater detail.
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