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what would be a deliver time for this product to be shipped to Pleasanton, California?
Thank you for your inquiry. This item is in stock and ready to ship out. In terms of travel time, that is dependent on what method they are shipped with. This part ships from New Mexico, so regular ground service to California should typically be a couple of days.

To ship out the same day, we would need to receive the order by 12:00PM MST/MDT.
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Do you ship to Hawaii, Does all of the installation hardware included?
Thank you for your inquiry. For your first question, yes, we do ship to Hawaii.

As far as the second, the AisleLok Adjustable Rack Gap Panel is designed to attach magnetically to two cabinets or steel surfaces, and comes with everything needed to install in this standard fashion. A separate striker plate is available for when two magnetic surfaces are not available.

You can see a quick installation video here:
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Is there a shipping fee if you ship to Hawaii? If so, what is it and what is the typical delivery timeframe?
Thank you for your inquiry. Outside of normal shipping rates, there is no additional fee to deliver to Hawaii.

Generally shipping times to Hawaii vary depending on the item. Some parts require a lead time from several days to a couple of weeks, other items are in stock and ship out the same day. Travel time will vary depending on the shipping method selected and also where in the country the stock is shipping from.

For a specific shipping estimates/stock checks, please contact your Server Racks Online representative at 1-866-722-5776 or via our online chat feature for the most up-to-date information.
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