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If I was to install in my basement, which is approx. 32x45 ft would 1 unit be enough? Could I run the inlet line back to the center of the basement? instead of going directly down the wall from the unit.
Yes, one XchangeR Ventilation fan will cover your size basement. If you want to run a duct from this fan to the center of the basement you would want to look at our 6 inch take off for Basement ventilation fan

92% of 38 people found this helpful. Was this helpful to you? Yes(35) | No(3)
If you run one fan in intake mode and the other in exhaust mode, with the exhaust air is so close to the intake won\'t the fresh air be contaminated?
No, there is enough velocity on the Xchanger Basement Fan that the air will get pushed into the room and not contaminated or will not do a 90 degree turn and go back outside.
91% of 48 people found this helpful. Was this helpful to you? Yes(44) | No(4)
What is the decibel level when both fans are exhausting?
On the XchangeR each fan is about 48 decibels.
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On the outside vent how far off the ground must the vent be?
The XchangeR must be mounted one foot minimum above grade or anticipated snow line.
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Is the vent screened to stop insects from entering the house?
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