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Will the cards I have for a magnetic access lock at another location work with this lock? It is a different system.
Not unless the cards are dual technology RFID type cards. Then yes there is a possibility. We also have new products that allow for making an older mag stripe card into a dual technology card by adding a small prox credential to the card. Give us a call and we'll be happy to discuss this with you.
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Is the schlage engage compatibile with HID 26 bit ISO cards (ISOProxII)?
Yes it is.
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When I purchase fobs through you, do they come pre-programmed for the lock? I have seen other systems where I have to buy the programming kit myself.
Nothing else to buy to do that. Its done with a free ap and very easy to do.
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Why does this page say made in USA? They're made in Mexico.
Parts are US made and some assembly in Mexico.
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need to know exactly what i need to make 2 of this locks works using phone credential ,, do i have to buy any software does the locks need to be install where wifi is available ,please get back to me as soon as possible i need to bid on a job for 2 doors and my customer wants to be able to open the doors from anyware usinfg his phone
This can be complicated so it would probably be better if you called us and we'll be happy to explain how it works.
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