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Can a code be generated by smart phone or tablet?
yes. If you can bring up a browser - IE, chrome etc. then you can create a code remotely.
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is this weather proof? I want to use it on my gate.
Like most electronic locks - even many heavy duty locks, the outside portion of the lock is weather resistant but the indoor part is not. So it may not hold up well on an outside gate where both sides of the lock are exposed to the elements. But it's fine for regular door installations. Please give us a call to discuss with a lock expert which locks would hold up well for a gate installation.
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can this really work with no connection between the lock and computer?
yes - that is correct. It is amazing.
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so the software to do an audit trail would be extra but the software to do remote code generation is included. Is this correct.
yes that is correct.
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Can you add a remote valla to this lock?
what is a valla?
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