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is this also a lock or does it include a lock
No - the Knocklock is not really a lock but it can be used with an electric strike to control a lock. So for a complete Knocklock system you would usually also need an electric strike and two 12 vdc power supplies.
93% of 43 people found this helpful. Was this helpful to you? Yes(40) | No(3)
will this work with any type of electric lock
it is made to be used with a fail secure (normally locked) electric strike. It may also work with some other types of electric locks. Please give us a call to speak to a lock expert and he'll be happy to help you choose.
97% of 36 people found this helpful. Was this helpful to you? Yes(35) | No(1)
Please, we would like to know shipping price of the KnockLock to Israel and estamtion time of delivery
You would have to use our international checkout
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I plan to use this for an escape room. This is to enter a section of the escape room so I need back up ways to open the same door once people are through in case it closes and activates the lock. Firecode! Can this device take Exit button and motion sensor input as well as knock to unlock the maglock from the other side once people enter? This is to meet firecode.
Would it be possible to use an electric strike instead of the mag lock? It would then be more fire safe friendly. If not then if you interrupt the power with the exit switches going to the mag lock say directly at the power supply it should be fine. Please feel free to give us a call and we'll be happy to help.
91% of 47 people found this helpful. Was this helpful to you? Yes(43) | No(4)
We may have an a need where we would buy this product in larger quantities over a period of time. Do you always have these in stock?
The Knocklock is no longer being made but we do have quite a few left.
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