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will this lock work with other higher security cylinders as well?
yes it will as long as the cam is correct. That cam is a common cam usually referred to as a Yale cam.
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Are parts available {the L shaped locking tog}
They are not. Only the complete lock with cylinder.
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Good Morning, My name is Alex with a company Atlas Aluminum in Vernon, Ca. We are a door manufacturing company. I am inquiring about this lock and would like to get a cost on a Clear Anodized colored lock. #628 finish.
We only have these currently in Aluminum and Duronodic. The price is $169.
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Hello. I'm looking for a surface mount keyed lock for an old Stanley sliding glass door and the lock with 6.5 or up to 6 5/8th upper and lower bolt holes
I don't think we have an exact replacement but we have locks like the octopod that may work for you. Give us a call and we can help you with this.
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Hello, is the key required to slide the bolt in both directions (that's what we're looking for)? Can I order 2 keyed-alike? Thanks.
The key is required to lock the bolt into either position. We only have them keyed different but a local locksmith could easily key them alike for you.
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