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which voltage would be the best to use?
12 vdc seems to hold up the best. Some electric strikes are made for AC power so always use the correct voltage type or the strike won't work correctly and may burn out pre maturely. Call us if your not sure and we'll be happy to help you choose.
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I want to use a card reader from the outside of an interior door but from the inside can I use a bypass switch so no card or key is required?
usually from the inside out you would only use the inside handle of the lock for egress.
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There is no inside handle for the lock. Hence the question...Would a bypass switch with the strike set to fail safe allow opening the door from the inside?
For fire safety there should be an inside knob or lever to mechanically unlock. If its a fail safe strike then yes - if you cut the power it will release.
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What is the current draw?
about 1/4 of an amp
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which config would be used for a lock to stay locked until the power is applied 12 vdc continuous duty or 11 to 16 ac or dc intermittent duty?
in this case it could be any of the options but usually a strike rated 12 vdc continues will last much longer.
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