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Will this work with an electric striker and a maglock
yes it work equally well with either.
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why can't this unit be used outdoors?
It's not sealed or potted as completely as the outdoor card readers and the manufacturer does not recommend outside usage. Some of our customers use them outside anyway though and they usually do well but it's a good bet they won't last for a long time.
93% of 16 people found this helpful. Was this helpful to you? Yes(15) | No(1)
If I want to delete only one or rwo cards do I have to delete them all and start all over again?
No need to delete all cards if you only want to delete one.
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can cards and fobs both be used or do we have to choose either when we first order it
Yes you can use them both. The reader can't tell the difference.
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can one power supply be used to power the card reader and a magnetic lock?
yes but it's usually better to use 2 power supplies so the voltage kick back when the maglock activates won't hurt the card reader.
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