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DO you have at least 23 of these in stock and is there a price break and that quantity? Thanks for your inquiry, As of 05/06/2019: We do indeed have (23) of the Adder XDIP-PSU-US in-stock and ready to ship. I forwarded over your contact information to our Sales team, and they should reach out shortly with a pricing quote. For the fastest and most up to date stock inquiries or pricing requests in the future, please feel free to reach out to your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly. Please let us know if there is anything else we can ever help you with! |
Shipping to Montenegro? Thank you for your inquiry, We are currently only able to sell Adder products to North or South American customers. For shipping to Montenegro, please feel free to contact Adders European Office. |
We recently purchased some AdderLink XDIP units (P/N: XDIP-PSU-US) which we love. We were wondering if we could get the name of the power connector used for this unit so we may fashion our own power cables. It's a round connector with 3 pins inside it. Any information you may provide would be very helpful. Thanks so much! Thank you for your inquiry, We are happy to hear you have been satisfied with the units! The Adder XDIP-PSU-US unit uses a 12V 1.5Amp grounded power supply. See below for an image of the pin out - ![]() Please note, modifying the included power cord or using custom power cords will most likely void the product warranty, and could be a fire hazard if implemented wrong. Please let us know if there is anything else we can ever help you with! |