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we need the data sheet with wiring diagram Thank you for your inquiry. We have uploaded both the manual and data sheet for the AdderLink X-USB PRO on the product\'s page. |
What does the US on the end stand for? My product spec calls for the X-USBPRO (without the "US") Is this the same thing? Thank you for your inquiry. For the most part, yes they are the same part. The official part number for this product is X-USBPRO-XX (where -XX is a country specific code). The -US part is the Code for the United States. Other country codes include: -UK = United Kingdome -EURO = Europe -AUS = Australia |
Will this work extending USB Mouse and Keyboard over CAT6 340ft from an Adder CCS-Pro4? Thank you for your inquiry, You can indeed use this Adder X-USB-PRO as a USB Keyboard & Mouse Extender; The X-USB-PRO extends up to 4 USB port signals up to 1000 feet / 300 meters via Cat6 cabling from an Adder CCS-PRO4 or any other USB-based device. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with! |
Is it possible that the X-USBPRO-US can go through a switch considering that it is only for a workstation? Thank you for your inquiry, You can indeed use the X-USBPRO-US KVM Extender to extend the distance between your source computers and the KVM Switch, or to extend the KVMs local user station -where you control the switch- further away. If you are looking for a IP / LAN based extension solution through a network switch instead, you may be interested in the AdderLink INFINITY solution instead. You could get a ALIF1002AT-US Transmitter with a ALIF1002R Receiver and simply connect them together through a network switch. With the additional Infinity Manager you can also expand this point-to-point extension application into a multi-point switch or splitter / broadcast solution. Please let us know if you have any questions or there is anything else we can ever help you with! |