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what is the pin out on this cable? Thank you for your inquiry. This is a standard male-to-female 6-pin miniDIN PS/2 extension cable for mouse and keyboard with the standard PS/2 pinout. Additional information provided by the manufacturer includes: Two in one PS/2 keyboard & mouse cable. The shield consists of Mylar foil, braided shield and drain wire. - Drain wire and braid connected to connector shell. 6 pin miniDIN PS/2 connectors for keyboard and mouse. All male connectors on one end, and all female connectors on the other end. |
Hello, I have recieved a few of your VVKINT extension cables and am wondering why pin 4 on the mouse is not connected on any of the but when taken apart both the red (+5V) wire and brown (GND) wire are shorted to pin 3 when the ground should be pin 3 and the voltage pin 4. Can you verify if this is common on these cables or if I have just received a bad batch of cables? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple FAQ. Having said that, from all indications, including this NTI pinout tech note webpage, these cables should follow the standard pinout: 1-[data], 2-[not connected], 3-[GND], 4-[+5], 5-[Clock], 6-[not connected]. That is not to say these particular extension cables may for some reason follow a non-standard pin-out. For the quickest support response time, we would suggest contacting the manufacturer, NTI, directly: Alternately, if you purchased these cables through our website, you can contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative for more detailed assistance at 1-877-586-6654. |