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I need to be able to lock out either user 1 or user 2. Is this possible without using some type of switch? Thank you for your inquiry. The NTI VOPEX-USBV-2 has four modes of operation that can be cycled through by pressing the \'Mode\' button on the front. The operation mode can also be switched with the keyboard when in command mode. The default operation mode can be set when the device is in command mode. The modes are: 1- Instantaneous: Both Users have control of the CPU simultaneously. 2 - Delay: The first user with an active device gets control of CPU. Second user is locked out until 5 seconds of inactivity form first user. 3 - User 1: \'USER 1\' has sole access. Other user is locked out. 4 - User 2: \'USER 2\' has sole access. Other user is locked out. |
We are looking for a reverse kvm switch that has an extra usb port for the touch screen. So 1 port for mouse, 1 port for keyboard and 1 usb port for touchscreen. I am not sure if mouse and keyboard are usb or not, I believe they are. Thank you for your inquiry, The NTI VOPEX-USBV-2 (or VOPEX-USBV-4 for 4 end locations) should work perfectly for what you are trying to achieve. The touch screen would be connected to the USB hub. That being said, due to the differences in how touch screens are configured and communicate with computers, we cannot guarantee compatibility. |