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We are loacted in South Korea. Do you dispatch to overseas? Quantity is just 1 pcs. Thank you for your inquiry. Here is a link to our international order policy: Orders | ||
Is the cable will work with the Dell KVM 0108AD? Or will I need to use the DSRIQ? Thanks In advance. Thank you for your inquiry. This integrated access cable would work without the DSRIQ. However, we are not familiar with the DELL KVM 0108AD and can find no concrete information on that part number. We can say this is a proprietary Avocent KVM cable for use with Avocent KVMs only. while we know that some DEll branded KVMs are manufactured by Avocent, we could not say whether this cable would work or not. | ||
client is having a problem with 3016 and single usb cable connected to IBM AIX server any suggestions? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple product FAQ. The AutoView 3016 manual linked here: lacks a troubleshooting section, but may provide some insights. Another good resource is the Avocent support community, which is located here: | ||
can I use this cable with my avocent IPKVM MPU2032 switch: with OS version Thank you for your inquiry. This particular cable is for use with the AutoView series of Avocent KVMs. For the MergePoint Unity series, you will need an MPUIQ-VMCHS: | ||
Hello, I'm integrating 5 ECS17KMM8-001 Kvm'S with 5 Dell NVR/Servers. How many cables, and of what type will I need? Thank you for your inquiry. The ECS17KMM8 uses the 8-port Avocent AutoView 3008 KVM, which uses the AVRIQ series of dongles or the USBIAC series of integrated access cables. A few of the options include: You would need one cable/dongle for each server you wanted to attach to the KVM. The AVRIQ dongles would also require additional CAT5 cabling. However, please note, you can only use one cable per server. If the intention is to have each server available from each rack console, a different type of solution will need to be used. If on the other hand each console will access only a single server, it may be worth your while to use a rack console without integrated KVM like the Raloy RW119: | ||
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