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Specification say that it has only 10.2 Gbps bandwidth and HDMI 1.4 ports. How this device can handle UHD resolution with 60Hz if its required 18 Gbps? Thank you for inquiry, SmartAVI by design limits HDMI transmission to video and audio - some of the less used and more theoretical features in HDMI (i.e. ethernet), are stripped out. The combination of the previously mentioned and the way they they handle the video/color formats (4K UHD@60hz 4:4:4 - 12 bit, pixel clock of 340 Mhz) allows you to run 4K UHD @ 60HZ with as little as 6Ghz of bandwidth. However note, the vendor had a typo on their product page - the UHDN-4PS actually uses HDMI 2.0 instead of 1.4. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with, or if you would like a recommendation based on your application. | ||
Can the the USB wires for keyboard and mouse be prolonged to up to 10 meters (32 feet) by using 2 active extension cables of 16 feet which identify themselves as a USB hub? Are USB hubs supported for keyboard and mouse connection? Thank you for your inquiry, You could theoretically use a simple USB Hub Extender for each keyboard-mouse (USB-HID) port separately. Not all USB Hubs would supported though: the hub should be powered locally (rather than through the KVM), like this NTI USB extender, and should be fully transparent, such as Icrons patented ExtremeUSB Extenders. You would not however be able to extend both the keyboard and mouse on the same port: The SmartAVI UHDN-4PS features USB emulation for the Keyboard and Mouse ports (USB-HID) to prevent any lag in operation, to keep the devices synced, and to prevent any dropping of the devices. This in combination with the USB-HID standard used in Keyboard and Mouse ports would consequently prevent non-\'transparent USB\' devices, multiple devices in 1 port, and non-\'USB-HID\' devices, in those keyboard and mouse ports. For any peripheral USB devices that you would like to extend from the KVM, the SmartAVI UHDN-4PS does also feature (2) USB Hub ports that you can plug ANY USB device into, including USB hub extenders. | ||
2 questions: 1. Is audio only supported by the 3,5mm jacks or also by HDMI? and 2. Is a smartcard-reader keybord supported? Is not only the keyboard visible in windows but also the smartcard- reader? Thank you for your inquiry, The UHDN-4P carries audio over the 3.5mm jack (AUX <- independently switchable) as well as over HDMI (\'HDMI-Embedded\' <- switches with source). UHDN-4P compatibility with a smartcard-reader keyboard would depend on how the keyboard is implemented: Separate USB connection for smartcard-reader: An external or internal smartcard reader with a separate USB connection from the keyboard would absolutely be supported. Plug in the Keyboard into the keyboard USB port, and the other USB connection into one of the (2) USB hub ports. You are good to go! Both USB hub ports are transparent, so any USB device will function normally. Single USB connection for keyboard & smartcard-reader (integrated): A keyboard with an integrated smartcard reader (connection over a single USB) cannot be plugged into the keyboard port due to the USB-HID emulation used for that port (provides quick & reliable source switching). However, some users have had success plugging-in advanced keyboards into one of the (2) USB Hub ports, and then either leaving the keyboard port empty or plugging-in a second keyboard (to ensure that the KVM realizes there is a keyboard; this second keyboard can either used for switching or just left aside). That being said, this is still a hit or miss proposition, and if it does work, it may lead to some loss in functionality such as hot-key switching. For the most reliable switching and best compatibility, we would still always suggest using a standard keyboard with a KVM Switch. | ||
Would this support 1080p at 120Hz and 3840x2160 at 30Hz? Or does it only support 60Hz as per the resolution specifications? Thank you for your inquiry, The SmartAVI UHDN-4PS does indeed support 3840x2160 @ 30Hz (30/50/60Hz). The UHDN-4PS would also theoretically support 1080p @ 120Hz, but we are unable to guarantee this piece (yet to be tested). | ||
Is this a true KVM in that the video signal is maintained to all attached machines or is the video switched? (That is, the video signal is dropped to all but the current selection.) Thank you for your inquiry, The SmartAVI UHDN-4PS does indeed maintain the signal to all attached machines - The unit features Full HDMI \'EDID video emulation\', which constantly pings for the video settings, ensuring quick and reliable switching between the attached machines. | ||
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