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Is there any displayport or usb cables included? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately Avocent does not provide a cable in the box however the proper DisplayPort Cable is the CBL0124. If you would like other recommendations based on your application or budget, contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative |
How do you advertise this as a DP1.2 KVM if it only does 4K@30hz? When will dual-head 4K60hz KVMs be available?? Thank you for your inquiry, While the Avocent SV340D does utilize DP 1.2 connections, the chip set only supports up to 4K resolution at 30Hz. I am currently not aware of a dual-monitor DisplayPort KVM that supports 4K@60hz, but SmartAVI recently released a 4-Port Dual-Monitor HDMI KVM (PN: UHDN-4P-DUOS) with support for 4K@60hz. You can also find a list of our 4K KVMs here. If you would like a recommendation based on your application, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly. |
I need wireless mouse and keyboard capabilities in these Display port KVM's. Thank you for your inquiry, Detailed support for wireless devices is a little beyond the scope of this FAQ system. However, generally support for wireless peripherals is very hit or miss. This is due to the different way in which wireless peripherals communicate as well as any keyboard/mouse emulation performed by the switch (USB-HID vs transparent USB). Whenever possible, we recommend the use of basic wired keyboards and mice for the best performance. That being said, it may be possible to use the USB hub feature of this SV340D KVM for wireless peripheral connectivity. While this would theoretically work, it may lead to a loss some of functionality such as keyboard and mouse emulation (You would not need to worry about the typical loss of OSD navigation and/or Hotkey switching with this KVM). In some cases you may also need to plug in wired devices into the keyboard and mouse ports; If a single dongle is used, the USB-HID data may not pass through the switch as expected. Again, this is a hit or miss proposition, and as KVM manufacturers do not specify wireless support, we are unable guarantee compatibility of any particular wireless system with a particular KVM. Whenever possible, we recommend the use of basic wired keyboards and mice for the best performance. If you would like further help finding the ideal solution for your application, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly. |
iS THERE HOTKEY TO SWITCH FROM A COMPUTER TO ANOTHER? Thank you for your inquiry, The Avocent SV340D is switched via physical buttons on the front of the unit - it does not feature hotkey switching. For a 4 Port Dual-Monitor DisplayPort KVM with Hotkey switching, you may want to consider the SmartAVI DPN-4DUO-S instead. You can also use our KVM Switch Selector to easy narrow down KVM results with your requirements - start with checking the \'Hot-Key Combos\' checkbox under \'Switching Method\'. |
How fast does it switch and will it keep my applications in the correct positions and on the correct screen (not put them back on default screen when switching)? Thank you for your inquiry, The SV340D switches sources within 1 to 5 seconds depending on the resolution / refresh rate - this is true for all models of the Avocent by Vertiv SV KVM series. This feature is available for most servers where video card supports DP++ (note, the use of video adapters might get in the way of proper communication of the KVMs). However, there are some known bugs on Dual displays for Windows 10 servers that the Avocent Engineering team is currently looking into (There are no known issues with Windows 7, and there’s no official test for older OSes like Windows XP to confirm if there are known issues). For faster source switching and to ensure the correct application positions, for now we would recommend basing the KVM switching solution on HDMI or DVI: