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Looking at sv240 appears as though unit is 4 port although so verbiage mentions 2?? Was ideally looking for 4 port, no audio, dvi w vga, USB interface, I like this copy/paste, any ideas would be helpful as you guys have extensive selection!! Thank you for your inquiry, the Avocent SV240 KVM is a 4-port / 4-computer model - Thank you for the feedback I have fixed the verbage in that paragraph. I have personally heard great feedback for the new Avocent SV240 (late 2015 release). Adder offers a similiar kvm that you may also want to check out: Adder AV4PRO-DVI. For a recommendation based on your application, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative - Other information such as minimum resolution, typical usage application, budget, preferred switching method, if you need remote network access to the devices, etc. will help us recommend the best solution for your environment. Also sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience while we updated the website to a newer design. |
How does this switcher work with a mouse, is the mouse movement normal, I have issues with the iogear kvm switcher which is not 4k compatible. Thank you for your inquiry, You would simply plug your mouse in to the Avocent SV240, and then should be able to control each of the connected source computers through your keyboard, mouse, and screen, as if you were sitting in front of the computer and controlling it normally (mouse movement shouldn\'t change). The SV240 also features USB emulation to ensure that the mouse and keyboard are functioning normally and do not disconnect. *note if you have a wireless mouse, this may be causing the issue; please contact us for more information. If would like to a recommendation for your environment, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly. |
Does this have HOTKEY functions Thank you for your inquiry, Switching on the Avocent SV240 is accomplished using the font-panel buttons or an IR remote - it does not support hotkey functions. If you would like a KVM switch with Hotkey switching, check out our KVM Switch Selector (choose hotkey under "Switching Method"). Also, if you would like a recommendation based on your application, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly. |
Is there anyway to turn off the blue light on the front? Is quite annoying. Thank you for your inquiry, I am sorry to hear about that. The Avocent SV240 does not include a software option to turn off the light but you could simply cover the light with a piece of tape. If you are more comfortable with mechanical engineering, you may also be able to disconnect the light internally (note, this would void the warranty and we do not recommend tampering with the internals). |
How come the unit is marked as Emerson? Thank you for your inquiry. Emerson was the original company name before they rebranded to the Vertiv. We appreciate you bringing that detail to our attention. The product pictures have now been updated to the Vertiv name. |