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May I know what the ECCN number is for SV220H? Thank you for your inquiry, The Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) for the Avocent (by Vertiv) SV220H is EAR99. |
Can you use a Display port to HDMI cable to use the SV220H with a Microsoft Surface? Thank you for your inquiry, According to Avocent (by Vertiv), "Touchscreen devices are not supported by our KVMs." We do however sell other KVM switches, such as the Adder AV4PRO-DP 4-Port DisplayPort KVM with \'True USB 2.0 emulation\', which explicitly mention support for Touchscreen devices and may work for your application. Please let us know if there is anything else we can ever help you with! |
Can the mouse and keyboard be plugged into single port on KVM switch or do they need to be plugged into switch independently to function properly? Thank you for your inquiry, If you are looking to use a Wireless Keyboard and Mouse through a single bluetooth dongle- It\'s possible that you could plug-in the dongle into a single kb/ms USB port, however it is more likely you would need to plug it into one of the transparent USB Hub peripheral ports. For more information on using a Wireless Keyboard & Mouse with a KVM Switch, please refer to this guide. If you are looking to use a separate external USB Hub to plug in the keyboard & mouse into one USB port- this would most likely not be supported because it would interfere with the kb/ms port emulation. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with! |
Is it compatible with wireless keyboard and mouse? Thank you for your inquiry. According to the manufacturer the SV220H-001 is compatible with many major brands of wireless keyboards and mice. |