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I want to take advantage of sending one signal 1,000 ft. away over my companies current LAN network. How do I do that? What do I need? How much does it cost? Thanks! Thank you for your inquiry. A number of factors will determine the type of device/system best suited for your deployment. Please contact your KVM Switches Online representative directly at 1-877-586-6654 or via our online chat feature to discuss your project in greater detail. | ||
Do you have software that can read the feeds from the transmitter, or is it only the receiver that can pickup the stream? Thank you for your inquiry. There is a web based interface for this device, used to set IP addresses and upgrade firmware, but we are not aware of any software to read the stream. The only way to pick up the data and render the video is through the receiver. | ||
Customer spec ST-IPHD-LC, is this good part no? Thank you for your inquiry, As far as the quality of the ST-IPHD-LC, I have personally heard good feedback on the reliability and intuitive setup process. I haven\'t heard of any negative feedback on this unit or other IP range extenders - since this is plugged directly in the network, unlike with wireless extenders, you shouldn\'t notice any drop in quality or any major latency. If you would like a recommendation based on your setup, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly at 1-877-586-6654, at, or via our online Chat functionality. | ||
is "ST-IPHD-LC" a good/complete number? What is above pull-down? IP Thank you for your inquiry, ST-IPHD-LC is the currect full part number for this unit. That drop down list was erroneous - I have removed that field, and will publish the changes in approximately an hour. If you would like order this part before the publish, you are welcome to check out normally at any time - the drop down list will not affect the processing of this part. Thank you for your feedback! | ||
Will this work in a noisy environment if I use a shielded cat 6 cable? We currently have to use shielded cat 6 cable for the KVMs that we use. Thanks! Thank you for your inquiry, Shielded cables will definitely help with lowering noise interference. Compatibility would kind of depend on the amount of interference- but assuming your KVM switch works in the same environment over a shielded CAT 6 cable without problems, then the ST-IPHD-LC should work fine. Digital video signals like HDMI do not degradate - so if the interference is too high, you will notice the video which will cut off completely instead of the image appearing smudgy / disfigured. | ||
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