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Transmitter: powered from video source. I use the HDMI splitter on the transmitter side. [Input device]_[1 Input_Splitter_2 Output(s)]_[ST-FOHD-SC-50 (T)]_[Fiber]_[ST-FOHD-SC-50 (R)(Power Supply AC/DC Converter)]_[Output device]. Do I need AC/DC Converter on the transmitter side? Thank you for your inquiry, The ST-FOHD-SC-50 transmitter draws power from the source device (i.e. DVD player) over the HDMI cable you plug in - rather than an AC adapter. According to NTI, depending on the quality and design of your splitter, often there should be enough power at the splitter to also power the extender. Again thought, this depends on your application so we are unable to guarantee compatibility. |
hi. im Valter and i purchased two pairs of ST-FOHD-SC50 for extender my signal from two DVR to two television up to 200mts, first i test one ST-FOHD-SC50, connect the transmiter piece in DVR and plug in the optical Fiber FIBER-S-SCSC-50-50M, that i bougth from you also, but doesnt work, from one sid i have the tranmiter piece is flashing a green ligth but in that reciver the gree ligth dont flash Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple FAQ. If you purchased the product through KVM Switches Online, please feel free to reach out to your KVM Switches Online representative at 1-877-586-6654 who can look up your purchase records and determine the best next steps to take. If you purchased the device through another vendor, we would recommend contacting the manufacturer, Network Technologies Inc. (NTI), directly. You can email their support team at or find additional contact info here: |