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Wall Mounting Brackets. Do they allow the unit to swing down so I can get at the back connections? Have you a picture of the mounting and some dimensions so I can design the enclosure before I receive the items? Please do not direct me to a youtube clip as we can not access youtube from my work place. Thank you for your inquiry, Here is a visual drawing with dimensions: NTI SPLITMUX-HD-2RSLC Mounting Diagram. The mounting unit does not feature swing down functionality though. One way you may be able to accomplish this is is mounting the SPLITMUX units to a vented server rack shelf (with screws or cable ties), and mounting that in a swing-out rack such as some of the KH Liner series racks that we have on our sister site. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with! |
We are interested in the NTI SPLITMUX-HD-2RSLC for a game console application- How many milliseconds does the image processing time take? In other words, is there any lag between the source and the outputs? Thank you for your inquiry, NTIs engineering department officially tested this today - below is their response. ”Per my measurement, the latency of SPLITMUX-HD-2RSLC is about 30 milliseconds.” Please let us know if there is anything else we can ever help you with! |
Does it handle DHCP? Thank you for your inquiry. According to the manufacturer, this device is "HDCP compliant". The features listed in the manual specify compliance with HDMI 1.3a and HDCP 1.2. |