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I'm serious about purchasing this product, however I wanted to ask if this is the lowest the price can go on this? Lastly, I don't plan to have this connected to a PC/Internet. Will I still be able to customize PIP views using only the remote? Thank you for your inquiry, You can set the different modes on the SPLITMUX-4K-4RT (Full-screen, quad-screen, picture-in-picture, and custom modes) using any of following six methods:
Does SPLITMUX-4K-4RT work as a multiviewer for a 21:9 Ultra-Wide Display? Can you put two different HDCP v1.4 or higher enabled HDMI sources side by side on an Ultra-Wide Monitor? Thank you for your inquiry, Yes, you can indeed use the SPLITMUX-4K-4RT to show two different sources side-by-side on a 3840x1080 Ultra-Wide display. The SPLITMUX-4K-4RT does also support HDCP sources including HDCP v1.4. Note, if your sources are also 3840 x 1080 21:9 Ultra-Wide, the SPLITMUX-4K-4RT can work but only through the "custom mode" where the aspect ratio has to be set as 21:9. In doing that, the picture at the boundaries will cut horizontally so as to fit in that aspect ratio. Apologies for the delay while we verified this information with the product engineering team. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you! |
If you just want to select and switch audio from one of the 4 HDMI inputs, will it pass through in full 5.1 through HDMI or does it downscale to stereo? Thank you for your inquiry and thank you for your patience as we awaited information from the manufacture. The manual says the following: Four-channel mixing stereo with 16-, 20-, or 24-bit uncompressed PCM audio. We were unsure if that was 4-stereo channels per input or 1-stereo channel per input for a total of 4. We asked for clarification from the manufacture who responded: Each HDMI input can support four independent stereo channels (eight channels in total). In some applications these are used for surround sound audio, in others they may carry alternate languages or director\'s commentary. Not every HDMI source uses all of them, but the SPLITMUX-4K-4RT is capable of mixing and passing them all. |