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This switch does not function at all with HP smart card reader keyboard. Is there a fix? Thank you for your inquiry, Smart Card readers typically require a transparent USB connection; Because of key emulation, the USB Keyboard and Mouse ports in most KM Switches, including the SKM-04, only support standard USB-HID class devices. That being said, the SKM-04S does feature two transparent USB Hub ports that may work for your purpose; Try the steps below to try to make your Smart Card reader function:
Please let us know if there is anything else we can ever help you with! ---Response to Customer Follow-up --- "I do not have the SKM-04 version not the "S"." SMK-04S part number simply indicates the package - it includes: SKM-04 KM Switch + the PS5VDC2A Power Supply. "I do not need the card reader to work at the moment but I do need the keyboard to switch with the mouse. the keyboard does not function when plugged into the usb keybpoard port. " This would be because of the USB-HID restriction on emulated USB keyboard ports. This is unfortunately a standard issue with KM & KVM Switches that utilize emulation - which is normally a great feature to have, but it does interfere with specialized keyboards and mice. If you do not need the Smart Card Reader, honestly your best option for seamless compatibility without any \'patch\' fixes would be to use a standard wired USB-HID keyboard without Hubs or Smart Card. "If I plug it into one of the other ports as you said the keyboard does work but I am only able to switch between computers with the buttons on the skm not with the mouse switching. " If you do want to use your existing keyboard, some KMs require a wired keyboard to be connected to the KVMs regular keyboard USB port to function - you can connect another separate wired keyboard to the standard USB port, put this keyboard aside, and use your HP Keyboard connected to the USB hub port instead. Note, Hot Key would still not be supported on the HP keyboard but the mouse switching should work. "Is there a way to make the other usb ports switch with the mouse? Also is there a keyboard key combination to switch the kvm so people do not need to push the stat buttons so we are functioning at least a little in the meantime until we figure out another option?" Switching using PASS technology or Multi-Head mouse switching will not switch the peripheral USB 2.0 devices. This is actually by design to prevent accidental disconnects during i.e. file transfer, but does create the need to independently switch peripheral USB hub ports. As far as Hot Key keyboard combination switching goes - the SKM-04 does indeed support keyboard combination switching, but it requires a standard wired keyboard that complies with the USB HID standard. |
Have you had any customers report compatibility problems with Logitech Wireless K/M products? That is what I use and I am hoping this product will work. I tried many cheap KVMs only to be disappointed by the technical problems. Thank you for your inquiry, You are correct that most KVMs do not always support wireless K/M. Generally, you would look for a KVM with a transparent USB hub included, and even then, it is not always a guarantee that it will support the particular wireless k/m. Please check out our blog article on this topic for more information here: |