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Does this HDMI switch allow me to put Screen 1 onto Screen 2 while putting Screen 2 onto screen 1 of two different HDMI screens? Thank you for your inquiry, The NTI SE-HD2-2-LC lets you display either source 1 or source 2 on screen 1 and 2 at the same time (identical signal on both screens) - you can also switch the input source at any time. We would be happy help you find the ideal solution - if you would like a product recommendation based on your application, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly. |
I think you are confused. I already have a HDMI switch that gives me two sources onto one screen, I want to siwtch screens. Put Screen1 from computer #1 onto the flatscreen of Computer#2. AT TH E SAME TIME switch screen # 2 image onto computer #1's faltscreen..SIMPLY switch screens, not double up. Thank you for your inquiry, The NTI SE-HD2-2-LC is a HDMI switch + HDMI splitter (hence the doubling up - displays 1 input on both output screens). From what i gather, it sounds like you are looking for a matrix HDMI switch instead (multi-point to multi-point) i.e. the NTI SM-4X2-HD-LC (note, features 4 inputs - you can just leave 2 unplugged). You can find all of our matrix HDMI switches here. That being said, how your current HDMI switch is implemented and some other factors in your environment may point to a different solution; please feel free to contact us directly for a specific recommendation or clarification on your application - Always happy to help! |
Does this allow me to have extended view on monitors 1 and 2 or is it only mirrored displays? Thank you for your inquiry, The SE-HD2-2-LC would provide two mirrored displays. To switch between two dual-monitor sources, you may want to consider SmartAVI UHDN-4P-DUOS KVM Switch instead - USB is for keyboard/mouse is optional, you would just switch using the front panel buttons. |
What is the maximum range on the output? Thank you for your inquiry, You can use an HDMI cable up to ~50 feet (15 meters) for both input or output end. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with! |