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i have a desktop with dual monitors. i want to hook up my laptop to the 2 existing monitors through a switch. will this one work? Thank you for your inquiry. This device would allow you to attach both the tower and laptop to a single HDMI monitor and switch which input was in use, but would not allow you to attach a second monitor. Another 5 input to 1 output switch would be needed for a second monitor. One other item to mention, to take advantage of dual screen capability, the laptop would need to have the ability to support two video outputs. Attaching a single HDMI output to a switch would only allow mirroring the a single screen on both displays. |
Is the output only a single display at a time or can you choose which ouputs are fucntional? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunatly this HDMI switch is not capable of driving two inputs and outputs for dual monitor setup. A HDMI matrix switch, such as the SM-4X2-HD-LC can do just that for you. |
I have a ps4, ps3 that are hdmi compatible. But I also have a ps2 and a vhs/ DVD combo player that are pre-hdmi generation. My goal is to have all four on a linked system. Is this possible with this unit or would you suggest another? Thank you for your inquiry, With your newer consoles and most newer technology supporting HDMI, I would indeed recommend a HDMI-based switch such as this NTI SE-HD-5-LC (assuming your monitor does not require HDCP 1.2 or above, and that you do not need 3D support - support picked up in HDMI 1.4). You can convert your PlayStation 2 Composite RCA cables to HDMI (with audio) with i.e. the NTI CVA-HD-LC. Assuming that your VHS is S-Video based, you can use i.e. the SmartAVI V2V-AV2H-01S to convert to HDMI (with audio). If you would like further help configuring a system based on your application, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly, and we would be happy to walk through your application. |
Can this part operate ps4 on 4tvs Thank you for your inquiry, The NTI SE-HD-5-LC would absolutely work for switching the PS4 between up to 5 displays. Blu-ray content would also be supported because of the HDCP support. The only thing I would note is that if you have the PS4 PRO, the HDCP version (1.3) would limit your resolution to 1080P - 4K requires HDCP 2.2 / HDMI 2.0. |
Where can I by this? Thank you for your inquiry, You can purchase the NTI SE-HD-5-LC either online or by contacting your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly. For more information on orders, including international shipping, please refer to our Ordering Info page. |