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Is the SC885 rack mountable? Thank you for your inquiry, The Avocent (by Vertiv) SC885 can be rack mounted into a standard sever rack using the optional RMK-102 rack mounting kit. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with! |
Does the Cybex SC 885 Secure 8-Port DVI-I Desktop KVM allow the Num lock, Caps lock and Scroll lock status lights be passed through so that they may be displayed on the keyboard? Thank you for your inquiry, The Avocent (by Vertiv) SC885 passes through any standard HID keyboard / mouse ("USB-HID") signal - including status lights for the Num lock, Caps lock and Scroll lock keys on your keyboard. If however you were hoping to use those keys as "hotkeys" for switching - please be aware that for security reasons, NIAP certified Secure KVM switches do not support "hotkey" switching method. |
Are these SC885 KVM Switches TAA compliant? Thank you for your inquiry, Yes, Avocent (by Vertiv) Cybex SC885-001 KVM Switches are indeed TAA Compliant. |
What is the expected lifecycle for this part? (E.G Approximate End of Life (EOL) and/or End of Sale (EOS) date) Thank you for your inquiry. Vertiv has not released expected EOL or EOS dates for this device. For reference, devices the SC885 is a replacement for, have an EOS date of 3/30/2018 and an EOL date of 6/30/2023. Again, no announcement has been made for the SC885 and we could not speculate on an expected life-cycle. |