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I need a KVM that will control 3-4 computers, with each computer having 4-6 monitors attached. Essentially, I have one bank of 6 monitors, all running at least 2560x1440 and the two 30" monitors running at 2560x1600. I want to attach my main WORK tower, my main TRADING tower, and my laptop (itself a Dell Precision high-end workstation) to these monitors and use ONE device to swap the KVM between the 3 computers. Can you help? Thank you for your inquiry. While there are a couple quad-head KVM switches out there, this sounds like a fairly complex setup that may require several devices to function as desired. Please contact your KVM Switches Online representative at 1-877-586-6654 or via our online chat to discuss your project in greater detail. | ||
having integrating with the polycom 9000 no video display Thank you for your inquiry. Due to the complex nature of user environments, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple FAQ. Having said that, here are a few ideas. We are not familiar with the Polycom 9000, but this being a secure KVM switch, there may be issues connecting to an intermediate device. The KVM may not function if it sees devices other than standard monitors, keyboards and mice attached. Try connecting the monitors, keyboard and mouse directly to the KVM and see if video is displayed. Another issue may revolve around the DVI connection. Ensure that the source and display are the same type of signal. If the attached servers are using digital video signals, the monitors (or Polycom 9000) also need to use digital video signals. Conversely, if the computers provide an analog signal, the attached devices must also be analog. For more detailed support, we would recommend contacting the manufacturers. You can reach Avocent support here: or visit Avocent\'s support community here: | ||
I need a KVM that will allow up to 4 different workstations with up to 5 displays (2 plasmas 50" PDP-50MXE10 pioneer sets + 3 NEC X554UNS 55" sets) all one workstation. Is this the right KVM product or do I needs something else? Thank you for your inquiry. This particular unit will allow 4 separate computers to share a single mouse/keyboard and dual-monitor set up. For a device that would allow 4 computers to use a single mouse and keyboard set up with independent monitors for each attached computer, you would need something like the Adder CCS-4USB ( or the CCS-PRO4 ( If you need each of the 4 workstations to able to access any one of the five monitors, that becomes a more complex solution, which may require several pieces of equipment to accomplish. Depending on your particular requirements, there may be several devices that meet your needs. So that we can better assist you, please give us a call at 1-877-586-6654 or via our online chat feature to discuss your project in greater detail. | ||
I need a KVM that will control 4 Computers. Using this KVM Switch user shall able to select a computer and work. Hence from 4 computers will be connected to KVM Switch and from KVM Switch it will be connected to Input/Output devices such as Monitors, Keyboard, Mouse. Using this KVM Switch, the user shall select a computer and operate a system. Please let kow suitable model for my application. Thank you for your inquiry. There are a number of devices that will work for your needs. Which one is best is largely based on personal preference and dependent on a number of application specific questions. A number of 4-port KVM switches can be found here: If you would like further assistance, please contact our sales team at 1-877-586-6654 or via our online chat feature so we can better suggest an appropriate KVM switch. | ||
I need a KVM for the DVI switching video ability for a projector system. There are no keyboards or mice. Normally the KVM switch requires signal on the USB port to detect the port. Which KVM will get around this? Thank you for your inquiry. You are correct, typically, a KVM requires a keyboard and mouse to operate. However, if you are not connecting any USB devices, you may be interested in looking for a DVI video only switch. Please Contact your KVM Switches Online representative at 1-877-586-6654 or via our online chat feature to discuss your project in greater detail. | ||
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