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Can you provide the export classification for this item? Thank you for your inquiry. The export classification is: ECCN: EAR99 THS: 847.80.1000 |
I have a switchview sc 240 and it will not recognize the usb keyboard or mouse that I plug in the rear. It also powers on as I connect the computers up without the power cord being plugged in. Is there a quick fix for this problem. Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple FAQ. Having said that, you can attempt to "reset" the switch by first removing the power from the outlet, disconnect all the cable from the switch, wait 30 seconds and reconnect the computers to the switch first, then keyboard and mouse and finally reconnect to power cord to the outlet. For additional support we recommend the Avocent Support Community. There is a specific group for the SwitchView SC series found here: |
Hello! We have a Switchview sc 240 that "cut off" the most left side of the picture (approximately 1/3 of the Windows start button in size is cut off). When connecting the computer directly to the projector the picture is perfect. Used resolution is 1920 x 1080. I have tested with two diferent sc 240 switches with the same result. Greateful for any solution concept. Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, due to the varied nature of user environments, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this FAQ. Having said that, here are a few things to try. It seems very odd that you would get this result. You might try some different resolutions and/or refresh rates to see if that corrects the issue. It may be that the particular resolution/refresh rate combination is not supported by the SC240. Another thing to check would be the connection, but since you have tried several KVMs it would appear you have checked that already. You can also try rebooting/resetting all the equipment. If none of these ideas works, we would suggest contacting Avocent directly for technical support. There is also a robust Avocent support community that can be found here: |
Is there a listing of compatible ergonomic mice for the Switchview SC240? Thank you for your inquiry, Unfortunately Avocent does not provide a list of compatible ergonomic mice with the SC240. If you would like a recommendation based on your application, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly. |