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We are experiencing issues with this model switch having intermittent or no communication with the keyboard. Have you had any history of this problem or possibly know the cause? Thank you for your inquiry. We have not heard of any intermittent communication issues with this particular switch. Avocent has a fairly robust support community that you can try: |
Is there a rackmount for this unit? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, according to the manufacturer there is no rack mount kit for this unit. |
What cable do you use to the computers Thank you for your inquiry. The discontinued SC180 will use proprietary Avocent cables. Depending on the particular server being connected (PS/2 or USB, with or without Common Access Card [CAC] support), the Part numbers for the various cables are as follows: SCPS2-6 6 ft. PS/2, VGA SwitchView SC100 and 200 switch series cable SCPS2-12 12 ft. PS/2, VGA SwitchView SC100 and 200 switch series cable SCUSB-6 6 ft. USB, VGA SwitchView SC100 and 200 switch series cable SCUSB-12 12 ft. USB, VGA SwitchView SC100 and 200 switch series cable SCPS2-C6 6 ft. PS/2, VGA, CAC SwitchView SC100 and 200 switch series cable SCUSB-C6 6 ft. USB, VGA, CAC SwitchView SC100 and 200 switch series cable SCUSB-C12 12 ft. USB, VGA, CAC SwitchView SC100 and 200 switch series cable |
Does this switch allow for hot key port selection? Thank you for your inquiry. Like most secure KVM switches, the SC180 uses only a push button on the front of the device to switch between different targets. This is to meet a requirement that certified secure KVM switches do not store any information in a buffer and cannot use switching techniques that require storing any information in a buffer such as auto-scan, hot-key shortcuts or voice activation. |