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Does the Avocent SwitchView SC 1x4 Secure KVM w/ Intrusion Detection work with the Dell SK-3205 104 Key Wired USB Keyboard KW240, NY559, KW218 With Smart Card Reader? Unfortunately no, the SC140 cannot handle smart card readers. You would need to go with the 200,400,or 500 series |
SC140 please provide data sheet and technical POC Thank you for you Inquiry. You can download the SC100 and SC200 series data sheet in pdf format at the following link: In terms of any additional information required, please contact your KVM Switches Online representative toll free at 1-877-586-6654. |
can kvm switches be linked together Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, in general some KVM switches can be linked together. This is typically called daisy-chaining or cascading. Unfortunately, this particular unit doesn\'t offer that ability. |
What can I do if my switches break, or the internal switch stops working? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, since this is a secure KVM, there are no keyboard shortcuts to switch targets. The only option for switching are the front push buttons. Additionally, the tamper evident seals prevent user servicing of internal parts without compromising the security of the device. Due to the varied and complicated nature of user environments, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple product FAQ. A good source for troubleshooting help is the Avocent support community located here: It may also be possible for Avocent to repair the switch. We would recommend contacting Avocent support directly for possible repair options: |
is there a keyboard shortcut to switch between channels ? Thank you for your inquiry, NIAP certification for any \'Secure KVM Switch\' requires data pathway isolation and no-buffer design as standard features (\'Human Interface Devices Protection Profile\'). This will prevent your devices from being listened in on, but unfortunately also cuts out the possibility for hotkey switching (hotkey requires buffering of the keyboard) on true \'Secure KVMs\'. The SC140 can be switched via the buttons on the front of the unit. For more information on Secure KVMs, please refer to this guide. For an alternative recommendation based on your environment, please also feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly. |