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What is the ECCN number for this item? Thank you for your inquiry, The Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) for the Raloy RWX119 is: 4A994. | ||
Hello, I wonder if the KVM supports DVI ? It is not shown in the picture Thank you for you inquiry. The RWX119 has an option for DVI input. While on the RWX119 product page, in the right hand box with the dropdown options, under display input, select the DVI option. Furthermore, Raloy also offers a RWX119 w/ DVI KVM providing a integrated console/KVM drawer in 1U. | ||
Is the RWX119 TAA Compliant? Thank you for your inquiry, While the RWX119 would qualify for TAA compliant status, it has not been certified as such yet. I know that Raloy is currently looking into getting that process started. In the meanwhile if you need a TAA Compliant certified rackmount console drawer, we have many options online (and more offline) including the Aten CL100MTAA (choose TAA from the \'version\' drop down) and the NTI RACKMUX-V17. For more recommendations based on your application, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly. | ||
Where is it made? Thank you for your inquiry. The country of origin for this unit is China and then it is assembled and tested in California. | ||
The RWX119 1U 19" LCD Rack Console is 460mm deep, but depth varies with accessories. What is the depth when 8 port KVM switch is added? Thank you for your inquiry, The RWX119 integrated with a KVM switch is 579.1mm or 22.8 inches deep - the KVM switch adds 119.1mm or 4.7 inches. | ||
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