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Does this product (RP-819) have VESA mounting as well? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, this product does not have a VESA wall mounting option as they are mainly intended for rackmount usage. That being said, the manufacturer also offers the similar AP-19 which does offer VESA mounting option. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with! | ||
Do this monitor have a switch function that I can switch between RCA and SVGA remoteley ? Is there a local supplier in south Africa Thank you for your inquiry. According to the manufacturer, there is a remote switching option. We are waiting to hear back on the details. For finding a local supplier, we would suggest contacting the manufacturer directly at: | ||
What is the cost of the optional IP65/NEMA sealed front 2mm protective glass for LCD; and what is the ARO for 4 displays? The Optional IP65/NEMA sealed front for this LCD is $100/unit. There is an accessory, the Cyberview IP-65, that can be added to your order either from the right of the product image or at the bottom of the page. (We have added more descriptive text to the accessory to make it clearer, thank you) They are currently in stock and ready to ship within 24 hours of the time of your order. | ||
How do I order the RP819 with a 19TRB touch option? Thank you for your inquiry. To order the RP-819 with 19TRB, simply use the "Touch Screen" dropdown on this page and select the "-19TRB: e-Resistive touch screen w/ USB Controller" option. Alternatively you can also give us a call at 1-877-586-6654 and we can initiate the order process. | ||
Does is it have a DVI-I option or DVI-D only? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, in terms of DVI connections this rack mount monitor only has the DVI-D option. | ||
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