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is this unit available to ship today? How do I ship 3 day? Thank you for your inquiry, The RP-W719 comes back into stock early next week. Products over $100 include free shipping which gets to most of the country wihin 3-4 days (see You can also select "3-Day Select Shipping" during checkout to ensure 3 day delivery (see the UPS Time-in-Transit tool to see how long it would take using ground). For a alternative units ready to ship today based on your application, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly. |
Do you have this unit with a AV 3.0 upgrade available for shipment? Thank you for your inquiry. This device with the AV 3.0 upgrade is typically in stock and would ship directly form the manufacturer. For the most up to date availability, please contact you KVM Switches Online representative directly via our online chat feature or by calling 1-877-586-6654. |
Does IP65 / NEMA4 Dust & Water Protection option interfere with W19TCB: e-Capacitive touch screen option's functionality? Would the extra 2mm of glass make the touchscreen harder to use or less responsive than without the protection option? Thank you for your inquiry, IP65/NEMA4 option can be applied to the RP-W719-TCB (RP-W719 with W19TCB option), the manufacturer will seal all the area around the display in order to comply with IP65/NEMA4. There will be no 2mm glass on top of the touchscreen. Please note, IP65/NEMA4 protection cannot be applied to any model with speakers. |
I have a KVM-RP-W719 Monitor that has a VGA connection to a windows 10 based PC. The highest resolution I can get over VGA is 1024x768. The specs say it can support 1440x900. Is there a setting on the display that limits the resolution? Is VGA on this display limited to 1024x768? When I connect DVI, I can get the 1440x900 resolution, but I need VGA for this particular application. Thank you for your inquiry, The VGA and DVI video inputs on the RP-W719 feature VESA EDID structure 1.3 and naturally fully support sources with 1024x768 resolution. You can find a list of supported resolutions in the specifications table on page 15 of the CyberView RP-W719 Manual. If your source PC is setting resolution at 1440x900 but you prefer 1024x768 - you can change the resolution in the Windows 10 OS. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with! |