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1) What is the maximum depth rack into which this unit can be installed? 2) Is mounting hardware included for both round and square hole racks? 3) Although this unit occupies 2RU, it appears the front and rear mounting brackets only attach in one RU. Thanks Thank you for your inquiry. Adjustable mounting brackets from 390mm to 650mm. (front to rear 19" mounts) May be fitted into an 800mm deep rack by the use of extended brackets on request. The package comes with M6 screw, cage nut & cup washer X 6 correct, the rails are installed in a 1RU space but the unit takes up 2. |
1). How many (rj-45) ports on the back of the switch? 2). Will this LCD display 80 characters (H) x 25 lines (V) in text mode? or does it have the option for user to squeeze the screen vetically to view all the 25 lines display on screen? Unfortunately, this particular console will not have the functionality you are looking for. It sounds like you may be interested in looking at the serial console version. We have a 16 port model: and a single port model: |
What are the default user name and password? Thank you for your inquiry. For the unit that is a stand alone, single-computer console, there is no independent default user name or password (other than the login credentials for the attached server/computer). For the units with an integrated KVM, the default user name and password to access the OSD is typically: Enter username ( default is super ) Password ( default is pass ) or: default user and password is \'00000000\' eight zeros (Do not use \'0\' on number pad) Depending on th etype of KVM |