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The manuals that you have available for download do not apply to the Integrated 12-port DVI-D KVM Switch. Thank you for your inquiry. We have contacted the manufacturer, who has uploaded a DVI-D KVM switch manual and added it to the bottom of this page: Click here for a direct link to the pdf manual. | ||
can you tell me the country of origin on the RF117HDE-KVM10108 Thank you for your inquiry, The Country Of Origin for the RF117HDE-KVM10108 is China; Those units are assembled in CA, USA. | ||
If i buy this unit it is possible to have this unit the Sticker for CCC approved or Certification ? Thank you for your inquiry, We are indeed able to provide a CCC approved silver label sticker for the Raloy RF117HD with the order. Please indicate this requirement on the PO or "Order Notes" (if online) when placing order. | ||
If I purchase the 8 port KVM switch option, will input cables be supplied, or is that an additional accessory purchase? Thank you for your inquiry, The 8 port KVM switch options (KVM10008, KVM10108, KVM11008) include all 8 required RCE-6 4-in-1 Cables (VGA, USB & PS2) - no additional purchase is required. | ||
What is the mounting depth of this option? Does it extends up to 32 inches? Thank you for your inquiry, RF117HD console only version (without integrated KVM) has a rail-to-rail mounting depth of 18.9 in. (min) to 29.5 in. (max) (480 to 749.3 mm.) RF117HD with integrated KVM Switch versions have a rail-to-rail mounting depth of 23.5 in. (min) to 34.5 in. (max) (596.9 to 876.3 mm.) The console only or KVM models of RF117HD should fit into most standard server racks including 32 or 48 in. deep racks; The rail-to-rail distance of racks is typically under that 29.5 in. to 34.5 in. range. | ||
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