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We just got the KVM10116e switch with the RCE-6 cables. We need USB connectors. Can thy be mixed? Whats the USB part#? Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, the cables can be mixed. The USB only part number is the RCB-6. However, The RCE-6 is a combo cable and should work for either PS/2 or USB. When used with a USB style computer, only the one USB connection needs to be made to pass both keyboard and mouse data. |
Question...we are trying to rig up a tv monitor to our video projectors for an online worship service. Can we use one side of the VGA to send out to our house projectors...and at the same time...get the same feed going out to a USB connection to run the new TV Thanks for your help! Thank you for your inquiry! Unfortunately, this cable is a proprietary KVM switch cable and would not work as described. The single DB-15 connector would attach to this manufacturer\'s KVM switch and the other end would attach to the USB and VGA connections of a server. The cable itself would carry one video signal and signals for the input devices (Keyboard and mouse), but could not carry two video signals. It sounds like you might need a video splitter/extender, but we are not aware of one that would allow for a VGA signal and a USB signal. There are a number of different options available, it mainly depends on what types of connections you have on each device and whether the video output signal is analog (VGA and some DVI) or digital (HDMI, DVI-D, DipslyPort). From what you describe it sounds like a point-to-multipoint extender/splitter might be the best fit. You can find a selection of video splitters here: If you would like additional assistance finding the right device, please reach out to your KVM Switches Online specialist to discuss your project in greater detail via our online chat (, phone at 1-877-586-6654 or via email: |