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Do you have the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) for this item? Thank you for your inquiry. Here is the ECCN information we received from the manufacturer: CCATS #: N/A Classification #:5A991 License/Exception: NLR Reason for Control: None |
Can this dongle extend the local USB port 700 ft away from my Raritan P2-UMT1664M? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, for optimal performance, these dongles have a limited range. We found the following on a Paragon II quick start guide: Note: Although users and computers/servers can be located up to 1000 feet (304 m) apart, for optimal video quality, limit the cable length in between to less than 100 feet (30.5 m), and for good video quality, to less than 500 feet (152 m). To go a distance of 700+ feet, you may need a USB extender like the USBPRO: |
Is this model compatible with Raritan KX116 KVM switches? I am after a USB cable to connect my servers to the KVM switch. Thank you for your inquiry, The Raritan DKX3-116 does not support the Paragon P2CIM-AUSB CIM. The CIM you would need depends on what video connection your servers use, but you can find a full list of compatible USB CIMs on the DKX3-116 product page. If you would like a recommendation based on your setup, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly at 1-877-586-6654, at, or via our online Chat functionality. |