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Does the MUIP3214 come with dongles or do they have to be purchased? Thank you for your inquiry. To provide the greatest flexibility, this KVM does not come prepackaged with any dongles. They will need to be purchased separately. |
Can I hot swap servers and dongles (dg-100sd and dg-100s)? Thank you for your inquiry. Hot swapping is largely server/operating system dependent. As long as the system that the KVM is attached to supports hot swapping, it should work. Please note however, KVM Best Practices say to re-boot serves to ensure a proper handshake. |
Does the MU-IP3214 KVM support Virtual Media (computers connected to access DVD/CD drives, flash drives and other storage media as if they were directly connected to the computer)? Thank you for your inquiry, CyberView Cat6 IP KVM switches do not currently feature Virtual Media. You can get similar functionality with the addition of Virtual USB Media by cascading two Adder AVX4016IP-USA KVM switches to get a 32-port KVM. The AVX4016IP units also feature 2 extended users, 1 IP, and 1 local user, but do not have interface dongles for HDMI or DVI. "Cascading Adder AVXAlternatively, you could also use the Raritan DKX3-432 KVM Switch which does have dongles for HDMI and DVI, but the two extended users would be IP users and would connect to the KVM from a IP/LAN session via a PC or a DKX-UST User Station. Please let us know if you have any further questions or would like a recommendation for your application. |