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I'm getting a case fan failure error. Any idea on how to make it go away ? I also have a amber light on the front of the KVM. (MPU4032 Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, due to the wide variability in user environments, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this FAQ. However, we did find a thread at the Avocent user community forum that details this issue: |
What is the default IP address of KVM? Thank you for your inquiry, The Mergepoint Unity appliances do not have default IP addresses and are set to DHCP by default. To change the network settings on the Mergepoint Unity, you can can connect to the local Keyboard, Video, and Mouse interface and change the Mergepoint via the Local KVM port. Alternatively you can also set the Mergepoint Unity applications up with DSView4 Software (see the installation guide on that page for a set-up guide). |
Will the MPU4032DAC work with the older Autoview 2020 as a downstream switches? Thank you for your inquiry, Avocent AutoView AV2020 KVMs should work as a source for the MPU4032DAC KVM, and/or the MPU4032DAC should work as source for the AV2020 KVM. That being said, for a clean implementation with i.e. guaranteed Hotkey functionality, you may also want to implement your application differently - for a recommendation based on your application, please feel free to reach out to your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly. Please let me know if there is anything else we can ever help you with! |