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I recently acquired rack mounted display & PS/2 keyboard/mouse, along with 8 sets of cablling (CAT5, and USB/VGA to CAT5 system interface POD 52094) ... everything except the KVM controller. will the 8 port Raritan MCCAT18 work with the gear I have? If not, please make recommendation. Thank you for your inquiry, The Raritan 8 port MasterConsole (MCCAT18) would work with your rack mounted display. Compatibility with the 8 sets of cabling would depend on which cables you own - i.e. Avocent CAT5 dongles would not work with this Raritan unit. For a KVM recommendation based on the specifics of your application, usage, and current cables, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly at 1-877-586-6654, at, or via our online Chat functionality. |
We use a Raritan MCCAT 18 which is connected to 2 computers. Sometimes I can't use the mouse for one of the computers because it is blocked and freezes on the screen - Not in all cases the same computer. Do you have any solution/advice? Thank you for your inquiry, PS/2-based KVM switches (and new cheaper budget KVM switches) occasionally have issues with keyboard & mouse devices timing out or being dropped from the sources. When this happens, unplugging and re-plugging your mouse into the KVM should re-initialize the mouse to the computer. Most modern USB-based KVM solutions, such as the newer Raritan MasterConsole Digital series feature a type of \'USB-HID emulation\' which will ensure that the keyboard and mouse devices are constantly connected to each of the source computers. Please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly for a recommendation for a solution based on your application. |