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Can this be purchased without the modem? Thank you for your inquiry, The Aten KN2132 is not available for sale without the KVM over IP functionality, but Aten does sell some similiar KVMs without Over-IP, i.e. the Aten KM0532. For a full list of Aten Cat KVMs (some with Over Ip, some without), please see this page. There are also other KVM switches by other manufacturers with similar feature sets that don\'t include Over IP support. If you would like a recommendation based on your setup, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly at 1-877-586-6654, at, or via our online Chat functionality. |
Does the KN2132 have any EAL, NIAP or any other "secure" certifications? Thank you for your inquiry, KVM Over IP switches cannot be EAL / NIAP certified do the the fundamental nature of the IP connection. However the KN2132 does offer some advanced security features: - Remote authentication support: RADIUS, LDAP, LDAPS, and MS Active Directory - 128-bit SSL encryption to protect password when users log in - Flexible encryption design allows users to choose any combination of 56-bit DES, 168-bit 3DES, 256-bit AES, 128-bit RC4, or Random for independent KB/Mouse, video, and virtual media data encryption - Support for IP/MAC Filter - Configurable user and group permissions for server access and control - Automated CSR creation utility and third party CA certificate authentication - End session feature - administrators can terminate running sessions . - Integration with Aten CC2000 Management software - HTTPS for browser control - IPv6 capable - Browser-based UI in pure Web technology allows administrators to perform administrative tasks without pre-installed Java software package required For EAL certified KVMs, please see our Secure KVM page. |