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We have an industrial setup that has been is service for over 10 years. We currently use the following arrangement to have our PC's in one room and an industrial monitor/touchscreen located on the production floor. At the PC end we have an Avocent model AMIQDM-USB and at the PC end we have an Avocent ECMS1000R. Can I use the Cyber-View IP-S101 to replace the ECMS1000R? Thank you for your inquiry, Unfortunately ECMS1000R is a proprietary part of the discontinued Avocent Emerge series - you would not be able to replace the receivers with other part numbers. We would be happy to help you find the ideal replacement for Avocent Emerge series if you would like - please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly. |
I've got a question for the IP-S101 CyberView Combo Extender. Can we Plug two IP-S101 with the Lan port together without a Router or a switch and control the Remote PC with? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, the IP-S101 requires some form of network to communicate over. However, from what you are describing, it sounds like you might be looking for a CATx KVM extender. Take a look at the CV-S101. The CV-S101 has a transmitter and receiver that are connected directly by CAT5 cable. Each side can have a local computer attached and can be up to 500ft apart. An Integrated 2-port KVM switch allows switching between local and remote computers. |