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Do you sell the power supply for this product?
Thank you for your inquiry. Please contact you KVM Switches Online sales rep toll free at 1-877-586-6654 for ordering details.
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Does this KVM extender connect Sun machines?
Thank you for your inquiry. Both the user station and Computer Interface Modules are operating system independent and will work with Sun systems.
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What USB spec for USB ports? USB 1.1? USB 2.0? USB 3.0?
Thank you for your inquiry. The manufacturer has confirmed this device supports USB 2.0.
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Does this comes with rack kit? what is the model of the rack kit? how about the peripheral cables interfaced on the on userstation (HMX2050) will they be provided in the package as well?
The HMX 2050 User Station does not come with a Rackmount Kit. You have the option of standard rack mounting it using the RMK-45 Rackmount Kit (, or you can mount it to the rear of a flat panel monitor via a MMK-02 mounting plate accessory (

The HMX 2050 uses the HMIQDHDD ( as the Computer Interface on the server end - includes the kvm dongle. On the User end, you would simply plug in the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and audio cables (peripheral cables) directly into the HMX 2050. Reference this picture for connections:

Please note, for best compatibility with different setups, you will need to provide your own CAT 5/6 cable between the HMX 2050 and the Server Interface, as well as between the Server Interface and the KVM dongle:
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When was the Avocent HMX2050 discontinued and what is the replacement?
Thank you for your inquiry,

The HMX2050-001 was discontinued on February 28th, 2017, with the last shipment date on May 28th, 2017. The HMX series has End-Of-Life support until May 28, 2022 (or last day of an extended warranty).

The HMX series was replaced by the Avocent HMX5000 and Avocent HMX6000 series. Alternatively, you may also be interested in the similar AdderLink Infinity series.

Please note however, HMX5000 and HMX6000 series units are not interchangeable with legacy HMX infrastructure. That being said, the HMX5200R-001 and the HMX6200R-001 receivers would be the closest direct replacements to the HMX2050.
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