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Does the HMXIQSHDI inclued VGA/DVI/USB cable Yes, it will include DVI and USB cabling. | ||
What "Plug Type" is used for the HMIQSHDI-001? Thank you for your inquiry. This particular HMX Computer Interface module/transmitter will connect to the server or computer via single head DVI-D or VGA for the monitor and a single USB for the mouse and keyboard. The HMIQSHDI transmitter would then plug into the network via standard CAT5/CAT5e/CAT6 cables and RJ-45 connectors. This particular HMX transmitter is for use with the HMX 1070 user station and optional HMX manager, depending on the particular requirements. Because the HMX is a complex system, we would recommend giving us a call at 1-877-586-6654 to discuss your project. | ||
What is the part number for just the VGA/DVI/USB/Audio breakout cable? Thank you for your inquiry. We believe the single head, 8 foot breakout cable for the HMIQSHDI is part number CBL0082. There is also the 1.5 ft version that comes with the unit. Its part number is CBL0075. | ||
What is the maximum length of CAT6 between a HMIQSHD Transmitter and a HMX-1070 receiver Thank you for your inquiry. In a point-to-point type installation, you can extend the UTP cable via junctions and hubs (subject to normal Ethernet cabling practices). Maximum length will be determined by types of cables used and other environmental factors but will generally follow standard network cable limitations. In a networked configuration, the distance is limited only by the network itself. | ||
How can I view target computers with a local kvm switch? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, due to the varied nature of user environments, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple FAQ. That being said, here are a few thoughts. This unit is a remote computer interface module for the HMX desktop-over-IP extension system. It can be configured in a point-to-point type installation or a point-to-multipoint networked installation. To function properly, it requires at least one HMX user station. Once installed, the HMIQSHDI can be accessed via an IP address through an HMX user station. In that sense it operates similar to a KVM-over-IP switch. It is not clear to us, however, whether one could use a local KVM attached to this unit to see more than one target. For more detailed support, we would recommend visiting the manufacturer\'s support community, found at: | ||
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