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Do the IR transmitters and receivers need to be in sight of each other or can 1 be under a table and the other hidden in the ceiling. Thank you for your inquiry. The IR transmitters and receivers need not be in sight of each other. The IR data will be passed along with the video signals over the CAT5 cable. Please note however, the IR receiver does need to be in a spot the signals from the remote control can be seen, and the IR emitter will need to be located where the IR receiver on the HDMI source can see it. As long as those two conditions are met, the IR transmitter and receiver can be placed as specified. |
Can you send the wiring instructions for me to see before getting started. I ordered IR repeaters that mount in a J box in the wall at both ends and not sure how to get the wire to the target receiver and the transmitter or to put the extenders since my TV's are all wall mounts high up. Thank you for your inquiry, HDMI and IR source into transmitter > a single CAT5 from transmitter to receiver > HDMI and IR from receiver to display. HDX-LX does transmit IR but the emitter and receiver are sold separately/optional. Unfortunately, we are not able to confirm if the HDX-LX will support your J box without testing it. You can also find an application diagram on the SmartAVI HDX-LXS page. |
I have one cat 5 in the wall running from the source to the TV. Can that be used for both the HDMI connection and the IR repeater or do I need a second wire. Thank you for your inquiry, Yes, you can use a single CAT5 to transmit both HDMI and IR signals. If you would like a recomendation based on your setup, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales reprasentative directly at 1-877-586-6654, at, or via our online Chat functionality. |
will this setup work between 2 buildings Thank you for your inquiry, As long as the two buildings are ~250ft apart, the SmartAVI HDX-LXS extender kit would absolutely work for your setup. For alternatives - We have all of our CATx KVM extenders listed here. If you need substantially longer distance, fiber extenders would be the way to go. If you would like a recommendation based on your setup, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly at 1-877-586-6654, at, or via our online Chat functionality. |