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is possible to divide the video input for number of the ports? I have to say more pc together..... thanks in advance Thank you for your inquiry. Generally no, you cannot simply divide the video inputs to this device. Certain KVM switches will allow you to cascade multiple switches together to attach more servers, but this device is limited to 8 devices. For additional recommendations, please reach out to your KVM Switches Online representative at 1-877-586-6654 or via our online chat to discuss your project in greater detail. |
I will try to explain my needs. I need a KVM combiner to see some devices. These devices has an output video to 60Hz 2K on Display Port and classic usb mouse and keyboard but the bottleneck are 60Hz of the video frame. I check your device and I found these devices: 8-Port 4K Ultra HD KVM Switch with USB 2.0 Sharing is perfect but I not get if with this I can subdivide the main video output in more frame for each device. Unfortunately I have to see many device on main display. Can you help to understand if you have a device for my job? The Display Port is not a problem because I could design a DP -> HDMI converter with STDP2650 chip. Thank you for your inquiry, Are you looking for a 8-source Multi-Viewer KVM Switch? (see image below) For this, 4K resolution support, and 60Hz at 2K, you could use the Aten KE Extender series. You would need:
Please let us know if you have any questions! |