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I have a church projection system i am trying to get hitched up. Computer has a 100 foot HDMI cable running to the front of the church. The projector is 1080p and what I want to do is plug this splitter (GVS182) to the imput and (1) to projector and the other to a monitor for singers..Will this unit work? Yes, this product will take 1 input and split it into 2 outputs. Assuming that you would like the same signal on the 2 displays this would be an appropriate solution. |
Does this split the audio as well? I am trying to use the bitstream from a graphics card to go to 2 tv's in separate rooms Assuming the video card supports sound over the HDMI interface, then yes this splitter will work. However, if the audio is independent of the HDMI interface and requires a separate connection, this product would not be suitable. |
which output source sends the compliance to the video source. i.e have 1080P and 720P tv's. but 720 will except 1080p signal. or can I hook second signal to computer monitor even? Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, the available material for this discontinued device does not specify if one particular port sends display resolution information to the source device or if both are scaled independently. More often than not with this type of simple splitter device, the signal is simply mirrored across devices maintaining the resolution set by the source. The sales material mentions the device \'supports Auto-downscale video resolution to fit all displays - for HD media sources that support auto video resolution scaling\'. We suspect the Auto-downscale information is simply passed to the source device from the attached displays with perhaps the lowest resolution device taking precedence. The device supports a wide range of resolutions and could be attached to a TV or computer that has available HDMI inputs. |