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There is a red light showing behind the Optical Output area on the back of the above product we have. What does this mean? We are having trouble with losing the camera feed to our Mediasite that the above product is attached to. We have three more of the above product, there is no red light behind the Optical Output area of these and we are having no issues with losing the camera feed to these Media sites. Thank you. Thank you for your inquiry, Optical is laser (light) therefore it\'s normal for the light to show through the cracks or seams of the optical housing. If you are getting dropped signals, please first check and try to replace the cables. If the problem persists, the units have reached end-of-life (they are roughly 7+ years old). The replacement for the Gefen GTV-HIDEFS is the Gefen EXT-MFP. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with! |