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does this switch support a shared usb printer? Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, this switch has an integrated USB 2.0 hub that can be used to share peripherals that are connected to the KVM. Additionally, the USB hub can be switched independently from the KVM focus. |
will this work with a USB wireless keyboard/mouse combo set? Thank you for your inquiry. With keyboard and mouse emulation, wireless support is tricky. IT may work, but could not be guaranteed. It might also be possible to attach a wireless keyboard and mouse set to the USB Hub portion of this KVM, however, this will lead to loss of functionality. Here is what Iogear says about Wireless Keyboards and mice with Iogear KVMs: \'In order for hot key operation and instantaneous keyboard and mouse recognition when switching computers, our KVMs emulate a standard wired 102 key keyboard and wired generic 2-button scroll wheel mouse on their respective console ports. Although the KVM will function correctly with some wireless sets, we cannot guarantee a particular wireless set will function with any emulated KVM except for IOGEAR branded wireless keyboard and mouse sets. IOGEAR wireless keyboard and mouse sets have been tested with all IOGEAR KVM\'s. If a wireless combo is going to work the single USB receiver would need to be plugged into the keyboard console port of the KVM. However if the KVM has two USB peripheral sharing ports the USB receiver can be connected to one of these ports in the event the wireless keyboard and mouse does not functtion correctly in the console keyboard port. If one of these ports is used for the wireless combo then all port switching will have to be done manually using the port selection buttons on the front of the KVM.\' |