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I have a Logitech illuminated keyboard that requires power to illuminate. Most normal kvm switches will not work and I am looking for a kvm switch that will work with it. Do you think this will work? As you noted, most KVMs probably would not work, as they are powered through the USB ports of the attached computer. To get enough power, you would likely need a KVM that has an external power supply. Outside of the power issue, the traditional Keyboard port may not support providing additional power at any rate. When using specialized or extended function keyboards, we often recommend attaching the keyboard to the USB hub portion of the KVM, as opposed to the dedicated keyboard port. Unfortunately, using the USB hub for the keyboard will often prevent KVM specific functions (like hot-key switching) from functioning. Obviously not ideal. That being said, this switch has an optional power supply and USB hub functionality, so may hav a decent chance to work; but we cannot guarantee that it would. |
PART NUMBER FOR AN AC ADAPTER for the GCS1734 Thank you for your inquiry. According to the manufacturer, the power supply for the GCS1734 is P/N: 0AD8-0005-261. |
Will this support a Windows 7 environment? Thank you for your inquiry. According to the manufacturer, this device will support Windows 7; however it does not have support for Windows 7 EDID (Extended display identification data). The manufacturer lists the follwing information under Operating System support. Operating Systems Windows XP, Windows Vista Windows 7 ** Windows 8.x Mac OS X 9 to 10.x Sun Solaris Linux **Does not support display emulation for Windows 7 (EDID). |